
Weengushk Interntational Film Festival is ON!

For the first time, from July 9th to 12th, 2020, the Weengushk International Film Festival is moving online. WIFF is a celebration of Indigenous and diverse storytelling through film.

The festival brings together industry veterans, and new and emerging independent filmmakers.

On July 9th at 7:00, the Opening Night Event features a special opening from Ontario RegionalChief RoseAnne Archibald, the dramatic adventure​ Red Snow​, a Q/A with​ director MariaClements​, a keynote messages from Director of the Indigenous Screen Office ​Jesse Wente, and a special live performance by award winning blues singer/songwriter ​Crystal Shawanda.

Closing Night features a special screening of ​filmmaker Dr. Shirley Cheechoo’s ​moving filmMoose River Crossing, ​a closing from ​Gary Farmer​ and an exclusive live performance byfrontman and founder of roots-rockers ​Midnight Shine Adrian Sutherland.

On July 10th, 11th, and 12th the festival kicks into high gear, showcasing over 30 films with nine different programs. Filmmaker Q&A’s will be livestreamed.

WIFF features a number of free events airing on Facebook Live and Youtube Live. Friday nightfeatures a live music performance from acclaimed artist Leland Bell and Saturday night offers alive performance from singer songwriter Nick Sherman.

All of the musicians performing throughout the weekend are from Northern Ontario! Throughout the weekend, there will be live online workshops.

For the full program and ticket details, visit the Weengushk International Film Festival website




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