Indigenous folks living in cities can now book second COVID-19 vaccine 3-4 weeks after first dose

The province announced on Monday that urban Indigenous people can now book their second COVID-19 vaccine dose at the manufacturer-recommended 3-4 week period after receiving their first dose. This only applied to Indigenous people on reserve in a previous provincial vaccine rollout update. Now, First Nation, Métis and Inuit can book both doses within a […]

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All Ontario schools to close following April Break

Ontario schools will move to online learning next week. Premier Doug Ford announced the decision today, saying community spread of COVID-19 is too high to risk having students congregate after the spring break. He says the government will decide based on COVID-19 data when in-person classes can resume. Spring Break began Monday after the province postponed it in […]

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Indigenous Covid Vaccinations Clinics in the GTA

Toronto First Nations, Métis and Inuit adults (over 16) are now eligible for COVID19 vaccinations in Toronto. There are both Indigenous-led and hospital-based, Indigenous focussed vaccine clinics: UHN Vaccine Registry  Anishnawbe Health Toronto  Michael Garron Hospital Auduzhe Mino Nesewinong Indigenous COVID-19 Testing Centre Call: 416 654 4184 Email:  Sunnybrook  COVax Clinic (Humber River Hospital) Call Auntie […]

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Ontario government announces State of Emergency, stay at home order

Premier Ford announced Tuesday, January 12th that the province would go into a State of Emergency effective immediately to limit the spread of COVID-19. The State of Emergency is set to take place for a minimum of 28 days. This includes more restrictions, including a stay at home order  which will be effective Thursday, January 14th at 12:01AM. Below we have highlighted the […]

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Blog 10

Blog 10 It’s August 21, 2020, and I’m watching the Blue Jays game against Tampa Bay at Tropicana Field, where the Jays have trouble scoring runs. Now, they’re going into extra innings. I can hear the “piped in” crowd rising to the occasion, but there’s no one in the stands. It’s Covid-19 baseball. I played […]

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